B8.1 Planning
Planning laws are in place to enhance the historic and landscape character of our towns, villages and rural areas. Planning should seek to ensure that development is sustainable.
When people think of planning, they generally think of planning permission. This is the process where someone asks permission to develop something, whether an extension on their house, the installation of a cross country gas pipeline or the building of a shopping centre. In this case, the aim is to ensure that the proposed development does not negatively impact upon our natural or built heritage.
There are numerous pieces of legislation in place regarding planning. These are supported by numerous guidance documents. The information below is sourced from the Planning Portal, available via:
Please note that the following sections provide details of numerous pieces of legislation. It is not necessary for you to remember them all.
They have been provided to give an overview of the sorts of issues that are covered by legislation, which you can see are wide-ranging.
Each organisation has legislation that is considered ‘key’, but this differs from organisation to organisation.
You do not need detailed knowledge of legislation for the exam.
Please note that due to the IEMA ending the course, this section is no longer being up-dated.