C6.9 Further Information
International Association For Impact Assessment: http://www.iaia.org/
European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eia/home.htm
Netherlands Commission for EIA (this website includes an independent review EIA Report for a dam built in Georgia and a master’s thesis on EIA performance in the water sector in Ghana) : http://www.eia.nl/
The Scottish Government: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Built-Environment/planning/Roles/Scottish-Government/Enviromental-Assessment/EIA
Scottish Natural heritage have produced a handbook on EIA regulations, which is available to download from their website: http://www.snh.gov.uk/planning-and-development/environmental-assessment/eia/
The Environment Agency have produced a guidance document “Scoping the Environmental Impacts of Construction Works”, which is available here: C6.9 EA guide EIA in Construction
The Environment Agency have produced a guidance document “Scoping the Environmental Impacts of Demolition and Decommissioning Works”, which is available here: C6.9 EA guide EIA in Demolition
The Environment Agency have produced a guidance document “Scoping the Environmental Impacts of Vegetation Management and Site Enhancements”, which is available here: C6.9 EA guide EIA in Vegetation Management
The European Commission have issued “Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment”, which is available this document is available here: C6.9 Europa EIA Guidance
Justice and Environment is a European Network of Environmental Law Organisations, working in Europe and consisting of organisations from different countries dealing with environmental law solely or as one of their activities. They have produced a document entitled “Climate change aspects in environmental impact assessment procedures: EIA and Climate Change: Legal Analysis” in 2012, this document is available here: C6.9 CC in EIA
Friends of the earth have prepared a “Campaigner’s Guide” to EIA, which is available here: http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/guides/environmental_impact_asses1.pdf