B3.8.2 E&W Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005 SI 894
Details measures for controlling and documenting the movement of hazardous waste, and bans the mixing of different types of hazardous waste.
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 SI 507
Amends 2005/894 by increasing the maximum limit of hazardous waste that can be produced in any year without registering with the regulator from 200kg to 500kg. Parts of the 2005 Regulations that were not clear are also explained.
List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005 SI 895
Provides the European Waste Catalogue list of codes used to classify wastes.
List of Wastes (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 SI 1673
Amends 2005/895 to correct minor errors.
Waste Management (England and Wales) Regulations 2006 SI 937
Extends controlled waste to cover mine, quarry and agricultural waste. Categorises waste as household, industrial or commercial. Bans householders from treating, keeping, disposing of controlled waste if it could pollute the environment.