B3.10.9 Hazardous Waste
The European Waste Catalogue (EWC) contains a list of all types of waste and each waste type is given a six-digit code. Hazardous waste is identified in the EWC with an asterisk *.
Absolute Entries
These wastes, indicated with an * are always classed as hazardous, for example inorganic wood preservatives, waste paint or varnish remover and wastes from asbestos processing.
Mirror Entries
Some waste are listed twice, once with an * and once without. Each entry will have a different waste code.
Whether these wastes are hazardous will depend on the concentration of certain hazardous substances (such as arsenic or mercury). There are threshold limits that will determine if the waste is hazardous.
Hazardous waste is moved under a Consignment Note (rather than a Waste Transfer Notes).
All premises producing more than 500kg of hazardous waste in Wales must register with Natural Resources Wales, who will issue a Premise Code. If you apply online this costs £18. The Premise Code forms the first part of the unique identification reference on each Consignment Note. A company will not transport your hazardous waste if the premises are not registered.
In England, you no longer need to register with the Environment Agency and so will not be issued with a Premise Code. You now make your own premise code from two sections:
- The first six letters or numbers (not symbols) of the business name.
- Five numbers or letters of your choosing. This may, in a few specified occasions, be followed by an additional letter.
The Environment Agency issued new guidance (June 2010) on completing a Consignment Note, which is available here: