B3.10.7 Waste Documentation
All transfers of waste must be accompanied by a legal document. This is Consignment Note (CN) for Hazardous Waste or a Waste Transfer Note (WTN) for all other waste.
The WTN must contain:
- a description of the waste
- any processes the waste has been through
- how the waste is contained or packaged
- the quantity of the waste
- the place, date and time of transfer
- the name and address of both parties
- details of the permit, licence or exemption of the person receiving the waste
- the appropriate European Waste Catalogue (EWC) code for your waste
- the Standard Industry Code (SIC) of your business
The information on a Consignment Note is similar, as the purpose is the same. However, a CN also includes information on the hazardous properties of the waste.
All waste is now allocated a 6 digit Waste Code. The European Waste Catalogue has been transposed into English Law under the List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005. The relevant waste code must appear on a WTN.
A WTN is required for EVERY load of waste. However, for repetitive transfers you may establish a Season Ticket, which is an annual WTN.
Season Tickets may be valid for up to 12 months. It must only be used when these repetitive transfers involve:
- The same waste producing site.
- The same carrier.
- The same disposal site.
- The same waste type.
Waste Transfer Notes must be signed by:
- The Waste Producer.
- The Waste Carrier.
- The Waste Disposal Site.
It is a legal requirement that all WTNs are retained for at least two years. All Consignment Notes must be retained for at least 3 years.