C6.5.2 Scoping
To ensure that the application is completed correctly, the Developer can ask the planning authority for advice on the scope of the information to be gathered during the EIA and to be covered in the Environmental Statement.
Issues that should be considered within the scope of an EIA may include:
- Landscape
- Ground Conditions
- Land use
- Ecology (flora and fauna)
- Traffic
- Air Quality
- Noise
- Archaeology
- Heritage
The scoping process should identify the significant issues in order that they be included in the scope of the EIA.
The planning authority is required to consult with the Environment Agency, Natural England, English Heritage and the district council or borough council for the area within which the scheme would be located.
The planning authority has a period of 5 weeks within which to produce an EIA scoping opinion. Once the scoping opinion has been adopted it is placed on the Planning Register of the relevant district or borough council.
The IEMA have produced a guidance document “Considering Ecosystem Services In Environmental Impact Assessment” which is available here: PN6 01.23 Ecosystem Services in EIA