C2.4.1 Stages of EMAS


An organisation must complete with the following stages to obtain EMAS registration:

1. Environmental Policy:

The environmental policy is a document which describes the company’s overall aims and principles of action with respect to the environment. The Policy should be adopted by senior management. It must be reviewed and revised periodically.

The Policy must commit to comply with relevant environmental regulations and include a commitment to continuous improvement.

2. Environmental Review:

An organisation should conduct an environmental review. This should consider the environmental aspects of all of the organisations activities, products and services. It should also include the regulatory framework and any existing environmental management practices and procedures.

3. Environmental Management System:

Once the review has been conducted, the organisation should develop and establish an Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS should be aimed at achieving the organisation’s environmental policy.

The EMS should set environmental responsibilities and environmental objectives. It should include operational procedures, training needs, a monitoring system and communication method.

4. Audit:

The organisation should conduct an environmental audit. This should assess the EMS and its conformance to the Environmental Policy and Legal Requirements.

5. Environmental Statement:

The organisation must provide a statement of its environmental performance which details the achievement of the environmental objectives and the future action to be taken to ensure continual improvement of the environmental performance.

The European Commission hold a library of Environmental Statements that have been prepared by organisations participating in the EMAS Scheme.

6. Verification:

The environmental review, EMS, audit procedure and the environmental statement must be approved by an accredited EMAS verifier. The validated statement needs to be sent to the EMAS Competent Body for registration and made publicly available. The organisation is then listed on the register of EMAS organisations and has the right to use the EMAS logo.

In the UK, the EMAS competent body is the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

