C2.2.1 Context of the Organisation


C2.2.1.1          Understanding the organisation and its context

This is a new requirement in the revised standard.

This new concept relates to the factors and conditions affecting organisational operation e.g. regulation, governance and environmental conditions. Environmental conditions are the elements of the environment which can be affected by the organisation (air quality, water quality, land use, etc.), or those which can affect the organisation (climate change, existing land contamination, etc.).

C2.2.1.2          Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

This is a new requirement in the revised standard.

Consideration should be given to who the interested parties might be and what their relevant interests might be, e.g. employees, neighbours, customers, shareholders, board members, competitors, regulators, etc. The needs and expectations of interested parties can become compliance obligations.


C2.2.1.3          Determining the scope of the environmental management system

This was contained within the “General Requirements” section of the former standard, but is now a section in its own right.

Consideration needs to be given to a number of specified factors when establishing the scope of the EMS. The scope now needs to be available to interested parties. It is not permissible to exclude activities, products and services from the control of the environmental management system if included within the identified scope.


C2.2.1.4          Leadership and Commitment

This is a new requirement in the revised standard.

Top management of the organisation are now required to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the EMS in a number of specified ways.

A webinar covering the requirements within the Leadership and Commitment section is available here: http://www.iema.net/event-reports/iso-14001-2015-leadership-and-commitment


