C2.15 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems


An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMS) is a similar concept to an EMS. It involves the management of health and safety issues within an organisation.

Whilst an EMS should demonstrate improved environmental performance, a SMS should demonstrate improved health and safety performance.

The formalised Safety Standard is OHSAS 18001:2007 – OHSAS18001 Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements.

A SMS also operates upon the same Plan – Do – Check – Act process.

To obtain OHSAS 18001, an organisation must:

  • Prepare a Health and Safety Policy.
  • Prepare a Health and Safety Manual.
  • Develop and Control SMS documents and records.
  • Establish and maintain Health and Safety Objectives and Targets.
  • Define responsibilities and authorities
  • Ensure that adequate resources are provided.
  • Ensure employees are competent.
  • Conduct monitoring and measuring activities.
  • Conduct a SMS Management Review.
  • Conduct Health and Safety Audits.
  • Continually improve Health and Safety management.


The benefits of a SMS are also similar to those of an EMS, including increased efficiency and reduced costs. Other benefits include increased hazard identification and risk management, reduced accidents, potential reductions in liability claims and lower insurance premiums.

