B3.10.11 Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP)


From the 1st December 2013 the legislation surrounding SWMPs in England is no longer in place. Although no longer required by legislation SWMPs are still considered to be good practice.

The SWMP is considered a live document and it must be updated throughout the course of the project. Responsibilities under the legislation were similar to those in the CDM Regulations (safety regulations relating to construction sites). Duties are split between Client and Contract.

The Client should:

  • Produce the initial SWMP before construction work begins.
  • Appoint the principal contractor.
  • Pass the SWMP to the principal contractor.


The Principal Contractor should:

  • Obtain relevant information from sub-contractors.
  • Keep the SWMP on site during the project.
  • Ensure that other contractors know where the SWMP is kept.
  • Allow other contractors and the client access to the SWMP during the project.
  • Keep the SWMP for two years after the completion of the project.


All SWMPs should:

  • Identify the Client.
  • Identify the Principal Contractor.
  • Identify the Person who drafted it.
  • Describe the construction work proposed, including the location of the site and the estimated cost of the project.
  • Record any decision taken before the site waste management plan was drafted on the nature of the project, its design, construction method or materials employed in order to minimise the quantity of waste produced on site.
  • Describe each waste type expected to be produced in the course of the project.
  • Estimate the quantity of each different waste type expected to be produced.
  • Identify the waste management action proposed for each different waste type, including re-using, recycling, recovery and disposal.
  • Contain a declaration that the client and the principal contractor will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all waste from the site is dealt with in accordance with the waste duty of care in section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991.
  • Contain a declaration that materials will be handled efficiently and waste managed appropriately.

