C3.4.2 Different types of Standard


Standards may be one of the following types:


  • Private Standards (Company Standards) are used only by the organisation that developed them


  • Open source Standards are made available for anyone to use and adapt. An example is computer software that is freely available on the Internet, and which provides the original source code so advanced users can modify it.


  • Formal Standards are produced through a Standards organisation for national, European or international use, for example:
    • National Standards, e.g. British Standards (suffix BS) are produced by a country’s National Standards Body (NSB). In the UK, British Standards are developed together with the UK government, businesses and society. Some are enforced by regulation, but most Standards are voluntary.
    • Publicly Available Standards (PAS) can be, for example, a Standard produced by a trade association that may be used by any organisation. Under the PAS scheme, BSI helps organisations to draft bestpractice methodologies for products or processes. eg PAS99 Standard for Integrated Management Systems
    • European Standards (suffix EN) are produced by CEN, the European Committee for Standardisation, whose members are the national Standards bodies of the European Union countries.
    • International Standards (suffix ISO) are produced by ISO, the International Organisation for Standardisation, whose members are the national Standards bodies of countries all over the world.


