A2.3.1.3 Implementing a Plan


Get People on Board

To ensure success, you will need the support of as many people as possible. It can help to establish a team or steering group, who will drive it forward.

Champions are committed to implementing performance management and are willing to use their time, talents, and resources to fight the necessary battles in the trenches to make it happen. This may mean finding the time to do research, organize meetings, assign staff to projects, and develop fact-based arguments for countering criticism from cynics and sceptics.


Maintain Momentum

Your Steering Group (or Champions) and the top management need to keep driving the performance management forward. Initial awareness raising activities must be followed by regular updates. This could be in the form of briefing, posters or reports; depending on who the audience is.

Communication, Change Management and Sustainability Culture are all discussed in Unit C10: Communication.

Update your Action Plan

Action plans need a “Champion” to regularly review progress and to keep it up-to-date. Actions may need to be revised to ensure that they are still relevant. As the implementation progresses, the basis of some actions may need to be reconsidered.


Five Keys to Performance Management Success:

A2.3.2.3 - 5 steps to PI


Source: Steven R. Kreklow, “Five Critical Factors Preparing for Success in Implementing Performance Management”, Government Finance Officers Association: “Government Finance Review”, August 2006.

